The Benefits of Tokenisation

Tokenization, through the implementation of a Smart Layer, enables a more integrated, dynamic, and user-empowered internet, fostering limitless potential for market expansion, trust, security, and innovative efficiency.

Market Expansion and Interoperability

Tokenization allows businesses to expand their market reach beyond their immediate ecosystem. By converting users' rights and privileges into tokens, these assets can exist and function outside the system they were created in, making them accessible to a wider market. The Smart Layer, a groundbreaking approach leveraging blockchain technology, offers a layer of integration that enables trustless token logic, facilitating a tokenized web with unlimited integration potential. This interoperability allows for a greater range of applications and use-cases, benefiting both users and businesses.

Trust, Security, and User Empowerment

Tokenization enhances trust and security in digital transactions. Tokens on a blockchain are immutable and transparent, building trust among users. Moreover, tokenization empowers users by giving them more control over their digital rights and assets. For example, a user with a flight ticket token could use it to board the plane or to book a discount hotel that auto-amends if delayed. The Smart Layer ensures privacy and security, managing the accounting, issuance, revocation, or expiration of tokens.

Innovation and Efficiency

Tokenization is a catalyst for innovation and efficiency. It allows for the combination of different tokens, enabling innovative use-cases. For instance, the Smart Layer serves as a crucial link between AI and the web. AI could prepare a plan showing the actions it intends to take, such as making a reservation using the user’s private key, booking tickets, selling some tickets, buying new ones, and preparing a social media post. Users could then review this plan, evaluate the prices and actions, and approve the action plan, thereby permitting the use of their private keys. This presents a more dynamic, secure, and less centralized method for AI to interact with the future web, compared to the traditional API-based method where a great deal of trust is put forward and the communication is obscure to the users. The authorization of using user's token is not pre-authorized with an API key, but is on-demand, providing more control to the users. Furthermore, by making products more accessible to the market, tokenization can lead to more efficient market operations. Tokens in the ecosystem are used in the context of applications and use-cases, not just by themselves, which can lead to more efficient and user-centric digital experiences.